Network Automation Summit
Whether you’re a novice or an expert; whether you’re looking to increase reliability or speed, or drive down cost, this year’s Network Automation Summit aims to provide greater insight into the trends within the network automation industry, breaking down concepts and tools while also looking at how organizations have been able to transform culturally to fully embrace change and automation. The summit will provide practical next steps on getting started with network automation, compare and contrast many common network automation tools, but also dive deep into the nuts and bolts of development strategies while covering network automation architecture and design.
The Technical Leader's Guide to Rapid Cloud Adoption
Ed Horley (Co-Founder and CEO, Hexabuild)
This class provides a no-nonsense road map on how to survive - and thrive - as you move to the public cloud, specifically AWS and Azure. We'll help you figure out what makes sense to move and explain the common challenges you will run into and some options on how to address them. We will focus on AWS, but the rules of the road are the same for Azure and the services it provides. We'll also discuss the decisions you will have to make to operate effectively in AWS.
Finally, we will cover what to continue to operate on-premises vs. what to switch to cloud and provide pointers for running both at the same time. Congratulations, you have a hybrid cloud - just wait until they ask for a cloud native! Get more info.
Choosing Your SD-WAN Provider
Dr. Jim Metzler (VP, Ashton, Metzler & Associates)
There are many SD-WAN solutions currently available on the market. These solutions vary significantly based on their architecture, the types of end points they support, how easily they enable multi-cloud access, their ability to ensure acceptable application performance, the security they provide and the ability of these solutions to be effectively managed. This half-day workshop will explore the differences in SD-WAN solutions and position you to choose the most appropriate solution for your organization. Click here for more info.